Kuntalika Kumbhakar

April 5, 2018

Women’s Collectives: Changing the Lives of the Rural Poor in India

Evolving a unique, farmer-focused research methodology, drawn from several complementary approaches, this research project brings about positive changes in the lives of women in this remote area, encouraging them to view themselves not as secondary drivers of agricultural output but as principal farmers, researchers, teachers and active agents of social change.
August 9, 2013

The Purulia Experience on WASH

Inspiring and instilling change in the centuries-old habits of villagers by slowly and steadily introducing the women of the SHGs in Purulia to sanitation and hygiene practices is both challenging and rewarding
November 1, 2012

Adult Functional Literacy: A Catalyst for Effective Governance

PRADAN ’ seeks is to build vibrant institutions for women, led by women which will, in the long run, evolve into an effective demand system. Women will lead institutions that sustain livelihoods, strengthen programmes, influence local government to leverage finances, make local authorities more responsive to the community and, in time, become pressure groups for demanding rights, entitlements and state accountability on many fronts.
September 19, 2010

Transformation in Amagara

Amidst kilometre upon kilometre of parched, barren land lies the tribal village of Amagara—a verdant oasis of crops and vegetables—the result of the efforts of the farmers, who dared to risk and experiment with new ideas, methods and technology.
August 19, 2010

Sukhsingh’s Learning Journey

Using the resources of the land and experimenting with different kinds of crops and vegetables helped one enterprising villager of Amagara to become selfsufficient, without having to migrate for work as agricultural labour or unskilled labour on construction sites in big cities.