Inclusive Language and Gender Sensitive Communications A practical guide for the workplace – (March 2023)

. April 25, 2023

The aim of the handbook is to promote an understanding of inclusive language and how it
can help build an empathetic workforce. The attempt is to encourage curiosity, a learning
mindset and sensitivity across the organisation on the impact of words and language. The
handbook raises awareness about the importance for both gender-sensitive and gender
responsive communications across stakeholder groups.

To educate and build awareness about the importance of gender sensitive language for all
PRADANites, internal and external stakeholders across all channels (written and spoken)

Provide practical examples of gender biased, gender discriminatory communications and
how to avoid it

Create a glossary of key words; dos & don’ts; exercises; tips

The toolkit is not just for promoting inclusive language for women but for all genders
including underrepresented groups.

Download Toolkit

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