Mohini Saha holds a Masters degree from the Indian Institute of Forest Management. She has five years of grass-roots experience in the development sector with PRADAN in livelihood promotion, watershed management, sustainable agriculture programmes, health and nutrition and strengthening people’s institutions (SHGs, cluster development, Federations). She is associated with women-led collectives and multi-thematic development for bringing transformation in human conditions.
Rather than depending on mega projects that will bring water to the villages, it is far more beneficial is it to have multiple, small water-conservation structures dotting the villages, ensuring not just its perennial source but also generating alternative crop and livelihood options, as experienced in the villages of Chhattisgarh
Decentralised participatory planning through MGNREGA to create durable livelihood assets like farm ponds, orchards, etc, has helped the farmers to increase their livelihood baskets and stopped distressed migration
Taboos, superstitions, lack of awareness, lack of infrastructure, shame and embarrassment about menstruation are barriers to the confidence, self-esteem and dignity of girls and women, affecting their well-being and health as a consequence