Jyoti Bala

April 17, 2019

Sehansha Gets Married

Expressing her anguish at customs and cultural practices that are blindly followed, a young 14-year-old bride’s gut-wrenching questions remain unanswered: “Why does the world have so many expectations from women? Why do we have to listen to abuses all day, even after killing ourselves to match up?
June 20, 2016

My Journey in Araria

Providing a safe space in the SHGs and VOs for women to share and discuss not only issues related to livelihoods, savings and credit…although these are important…but also themselves, their lives, their health, their choices or the lack of it, their decision-making abilities, and their self-image, the PRADAN team in Araria is working with women and teenage girls to bring about fundamental changes in mindsets by challenging age-old beliefs and traditions