February 24, 2023

Idea of setting our backyards as kitchen garden saved us during pandemic: Anaemic women in MP

Sanjo shares how most of the young mothers in her village are anaemic and underweight and kitchen garden has been a boon to all such women.
February 24, 2023

Meet The Agricultural Entrepreneurs From Various Remote Regions

"We were largely reliant on paddy for our sustenance prior to 2016, when PRADAN NGO introduced us to vegetable cultivation" Sunita Hasdeo, a 26 year old explained to us while travelling around her vegetation, "In 2017, I cultivated Brinjal in upper land, then Bitter gourd, and in 2019, I grew Brinjal again." Sunita, a woman from the Santhal tribe, is uneducated, yet she appreciates the PRADAN's assistance.
February 24, 2023

Leveraging Technology to Secure Tribal Land Rights: Why We Invested in Pradan

With over 104 million people across more than 700 different tribes accounting for 9% of the country's total population, India is home to one of the largest indigenous populations in the world.
February 24, 2023

How Women Farmers In Eastern India Are Supporting Families By Cultivating Nutrition Gardens

In Odisha's Mayurbhanj, when tribal families lost jobs and access to the forests during the pandemic and the lockdowns, many of them faced hunger and poverty. Since May 2020, women farmers have been cultivating 'nutrition gardens' in their front and back yards, providing food and income security
February 24, 2023

Poverty, Hunger, Anaemia: Covid-19 Intensifies Hidden Epidemics

India had the most undernourished and anaemic women even before the pandemic: 125 million women. Now, women in India’s poorest states have less food, heightening the risks of anemia: impaired children, a lowered work ability and health crises they cannot afford. We report from marginalised communities in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
February 24, 2023

Women leading poultry, livestock farming in rural Jharkhand

Poultry and livestock farming are a major source of income for those in rural Jharkhand, especially women, who are largely in charge of the industry.
February 24, 2023

Lohe ki kadhai and tricolour thaali show the way to a nutritious life in Jharkhand

September is Poshan Maah or nutrition month and rural women in Godda district of Jharkhand are making changes in their approach to food by starting kitchen gardens and cooking in iron cauldrons to fight anaemia and malnutrition.
February 24, 2023

गोंड गांवों में सीढ़ीनुमा खेती की स्वीकृति की कहानी

मध्य प्रदेश में सिंगरौली जिले के चटनिहा गांव में दौरे के दौरान, रामकली और मुन्नी ने बताया कि किस तरह जुताई और बारिश के कारण उनकी ज़मीनों की उर्वरकता पर बुरा असर पड़ रहा है। दौरे के बाद की गई बैठक में यही मुद्दा बुधनी, सुग्मन्ति और बिट्टी पनिका जैसे अन्य गांव वालों द्वारा भी उठाया गया।
February 24, 2023

How Gond villages took to terrace farming

During our transect walk through Chataniha, a village in Singrauli district of Madhya Pradesh, Ramkali and Munni explained how their lands were losing topsoil due to ploughing and subsequent rain. The same issue was raised by many other villagers such as Budhni, Sugmanthy and Bitty Panika in the meeting held after the walk.
February 24, 2023

Collapse of Adivasi self-governance system in Jharkhand: Need to implement PESA in letter and spirit

The PESA Act is considered to be the backbone of tribal legislation in India; proper implementation can rejuvenate self-governance system in Jharakhand