We are happy to announce the launch of our new project Adoption of Solar Technology for Holistic Advancement (ASTHA). Schneider Electric India Foundation (SEIF) and PRADAN have come together in this four-year partnership for sustainable development of perennially backward areas of Jharkhand and Bihar by using renewable solar energy.
Resilient Villages – Prosperous Lives
The project aims for setting up 16 model villages with round the clock electricity supply through solar microgrids and solar piped water supply systems providing water for drinking and sanitation use. In addition, the project envisages providing solar irrigation infrastructural support to poor rural farmers to double their income. The installation of innovative Solar Microgrids to power 400lift irrigation units and other agri loads to support more than 16,000 farmers to double their annual income by meeting the challenges such as frequent occurrence of drought and erratic rainfall and also will help in taking additional two crops in a year including commercial vegetable farming.
How will it happen?
Solar User Associations (SUAs) will be promoted and nurtured in each of these villages. Women headed self help group members would be in charge of these associations. PRADAN will capacitate the SUAs to have system & processes for efficient installation and management of the infrastructures. The members will also be facilitated to plan their crop-cultivation, increase cropping intensity and create market linkages for inputs and produce basis the benefits promised under the innovative solar-powered irrigation infrastructure.
The project is aligned with key initiatives of the Government of India i.e. Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022.